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About Valley View Baptist Church

We, at Valley View Baptist Church (VVBC), recognizes the grace of our Sovereign God as He is pleased to establish His church in the locality of Cainta, Rizal.

VVBC's 32nd year Anniversary celebration last March 26, 2023 is a testimony of God's gracious faithfulness to us throughout the past years. And we seek to grow more in the understanding of our theological persuasion slowly and as the Lord reveals.

As Reformed Baptist Church, herein we stand:


  • Scripture as the Inspired and Inerrant Word of God

  • Trinitarian Godhead

  • Genesis Creation

  • Jesus Christ: Son of God, Son of Man, Redeemer & Risen Prophet, Priest, and King

  • Salvation by the Gospel of the Cross

  • Second Coming of Christ; Heaven and Punishment


The Doctrines of Grace​:

  • Total Depravity

  • Unconditional Election

  • Particular Redemption

  • Irresistible Grace

  • Preservation and Perseverance of the Saints


Reformation Solas:

  • Scripture Alone

  • Christ Alone

  • Grace Alone

  • Faith Alone

  • Glory to God Alone


Legacy of the Puritans​:

  • Regulative Principle of Worship

  • Holiness in Christian Walk

  • Church Discipline

  • Perpetual Relevance of the 10 Commandments


Baptist Distinctives​:

  • Autonomy of the Local Church

  • Regenerate Church Membership

  • Christian Liberty


Our Confessional ​Standard: 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

Our Elders and Deacons
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Pastor Manny Avena
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Pastor Reginald Detabali
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Deacon Randy Sales
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Deacon Erwin Sales
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Deacon Roy Ortega
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